Series 1-3 titled DAN DA DAN: FIRST ENCOUNTER premieres in theaters on September 13, 2024
Line of Events
When Momo and Okaruna’s beliefs collide, they’re thrown into a world of ghosts, aliens, and awakened powers. Get the scoop on all the amazing series (pre-ordered and dubbed!) streaming on Crunchyroll this fall.
Regular TV begins in October 2024
Episodes 1-3 titled DAN DA DAN: FIRST ENCOUNTER premieres in theaters on September 13, 2024. Edited by Dandadan: Fâsuto Enkauntâ (2024) ).
Shitei Performed by Creepy Nuts
Otonoke[Opening Theme]Music by DJ Matsunaga Lyrics by R. I caught the first three episodes in an early screening and was blown away by the animation and overall quality of the story.
Dandadan is an adventure series full of comedy with a bit of everything
Based on the manga of the same name, the weekly shonen jump has gained a huge following thanks to its amazing artwork and consistent weekly releases. This new anime adaptation has been wanted by Manga fans for a long time and it lived up to my expectations.
The studio did a great job with the animation and style
The characters in the story are very relatable and all the episodes were really funny.